7 thoughts on “Zbrush WIP

      1. jessevanwagner

        I was texting my mom earlier today and she was commenting that “why does growth always hurt?” I told her, “that’s to let you know it’s working.” 🙂

        I’d definitely scour the internet and Youtube for some cool tutorials I know there’s some great stuff out there. Good luck in the new journey.

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  1. Rediskot

    That expression is the stuff nightmares are made of! Don’t know if that’s the intention here, but man the wip looks creepy. Really liking it 😀 I’ve been stumbling across zbrush creative streams and it looks confusing and complicated, reminds me of the time I did a course in Maya and learned a lot of new curse words 🙂

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    1. ReyShelley Post author

      Thank you! I really get a kick out of making spooky things! I just started playing with this stuff, and agree that is confusing! I am right there with you as far as cursing at Maya, and Zbrush goes! Why is the computer so frustrating! It is supposed to make things easier! 🙂

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  2. elainesdailykitty

    I love your success with the challenge of the computer and new tech. Ain’t ever easy. I continue to find new ways to get the programs I work with to glitch
    I note that others found this spooky – sorry I thought it was joyous. Isn’t it interesting the way our minds work differently?

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